swag bucks

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Friday, January 25, 2008

Juliet Moeckel assistant hairstylist future professional

Here Juilet Moeckel watches Theresia Fickensberger to learn a cutting technique.
It is truly awesome seeing a future hairstylist learn from a pro.
Keep up with Julie's career and encourage her on to greatness.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


I really enjoy talented people and Asif is a multi talented photographer painter and individual.
this was a shot during one of my first collaborations with his team.

Friday, January 18, 2008

shine for hair

This is a great tool for shine especially when working with curling irons and flat irons.
See Paul Mitchell.com

Extra body

the key ingredient for volume and repair panthenol.

hair care products

another exciting product by Paul Mitchell

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Processed hair

Meg Ryan

There is a difference in over processed hair and processed hair. If you want the look you have to go the distance. If you go to far well you went to far. The rule of beauty is in the eye of the beholder is true as long as your hair is holding on.

over proscessed hair

cut it off!

hair extenstions

Jessica Simpson



Hair extensions can be an amazing, beautiful result for instant gratification with long hair.
Personally I think it is a lot of work for the client to maintain. Also it is an expense not in most peoples budget. For some the one time enjoyment of having extensions might be worth it. For others it can be a disappointment not being able to afford that image .

Hair extension service prices vary. I once had the service for my daughter. I had her whole head done in box braids. Cost $40.00 with a $20.00 tip. The same service could have cost $200.00 to $1ooo.oo depending on location. I would have charge $1000.00 for the same service at my salon because it would have taken me all day.

A friend of mine charges $1500.00 to $2500.00 to do the service. I could be loosing a lot of money not offering the service but I generally would talk a person out of having extensions.

If a talented stylist wanted to offer the service in my salon I would say have fun but be responsible with your clients needs not wants as well as your own

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Astra the Desatra

Astra is a very talented artist check
out astrabeckstudios.com

astra the desatra

Hair loss.

Some reasons for hair loss are most ignored do to the reason of denial. If you or something other than yourself can not fix the problem of loosing your hair what do you do? Another factor is accepting there is no solution to the problem. Also agreeing to the protocol best recommended for your hair loss diagnosis and following through. Keep in mind first you need the right evaluation to determine the cause of your hair loss.

If your seeking a solution to hair loss here is my advise.

First, go to your doctor for a regular check up. Women need to go to their gynecologist. If your doctor is not interested in your concern for hair loss request or seek out an endocrinologist. An endocrinologist specializes in hormones . If it is not genetic or some form of trauma even pregnancy, medications or surgery it is hormonal. An endocrinologist will take you much more seriously.

Second, if you doctor recommends Rogaine or propecia ect. then I support using shampoo's and conditioner's and treatments for hair loss.

Third, if your conclusion is genetic and you want options consider surgical or alternative methods such as hair pieces wigs extensions ect..

This is a very general overview opinion and statement on my limited knowledge of hair loss. I am not qualified to make any medical decisions or diagnosis . I base this on over 15 years experience with my clients concerns for hair loss.

Alopecia ariata or other common known hair loss disorders are easy to diagnose but not always treat.

Autoimmune disorders can cause hair loss.

celebrity hairstyles


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

celebrity hairstyles

Katie Holmes
bob it

My shoot with Asif

Here is a picture from my recent shoot with Asif Iqbal, photographer extraordinaire. Make-up by Amna Iqbal.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

looking forward to what comes next

hey just checking whats up. will check back later.