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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hair loss.

Some reasons for hair loss are most ignored do to the reason of denial. If you or something other than yourself can not fix the problem of loosing your hair what do you do? Another factor is accepting there is no solution to the problem. Also agreeing to the protocol best recommended for your hair loss diagnosis and following through. Keep in mind first you need the right evaluation to determine the cause of your hair loss.

If your seeking a solution to hair loss here is my advise.

First, go to your doctor for a regular check up. Women need to go to their gynecologist. If your doctor is not interested in your concern for hair loss request or seek out an endocrinologist. An endocrinologist specializes in hormones . If it is not genetic or some form of trauma even pregnancy, medications or surgery it is hormonal. An endocrinologist will take you much more seriously.

Second, if you doctor recommends Rogaine or propecia ect. then I support using shampoo's and conditioner's and treatments for hair loss.

Third, if your conclusion is genetic and you want options consider surgical or alternative methods such as hair pieces wigs extensions ect..

This is a very general overview opinion and statement on my limited knowledge of hair loss. I am not qualified to make any medical decisions or diagnosis . I base this on over 15 years experience with my clients concerns for hair loss.

Alopecia ariata or other common known hair loss disorders are easy to diagnose but not always treat.

Autoimmune disorders can cause hair loss.

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